Monday, March 02, 2009

SC's Question number - 653 , 654

653). Although many Whites, noting the presence of some Blacks in the middle class, think that the time for enforcing civil rights measures is past, Blacks generally are aware that the figures for average income and unemployment show as wide of a radical discrepancy as ever.

(A) that the figures for average income and unemployment show as wide of

(B) that average-income and unemployment figures show as wide

(C) that the average-income and unemployment figures are showing as wide of

(D) of average-income and unemployment figures that show as wide of

(E) of figures for average income and unemployment showing as wide

654). In 1973 mortgage payments represented twenty-one percent of an average thirty-year-old male's
income; and forty-four percent in 1984.

(A) income; and forty-four percent in 1984

(B) income; in 1984 the figure was forty-four percent

(C) income, and in 1984 forty-four percent

(D) income, forty-four percent in 1984 was the figure

(E) income that rose to forty-four percent in 1984


653). OA - B - idiomatic -

A, C, D - incorrect - unidiomatic - ... as .. of ... as

E - incorrect - awkward, wrong tense - ...unemployment showing as wide...

654). (OG 10th Ques no - 81) - OA - B

To establish the clearest comparison between circumstances in 1973 and those in 1984, a separate clause is needed to describe each year. Choices A and C, in failing to use separate clauses, are too elliptical and therefore unclear. Choice A also incorrectly uses and and a semicolon to separate an independent clause and a phrase. Choice D incorrectly separates two independent clauses with a comma; moreover, the placement of in 1984 is awkward and confusing. In choice E, that refers illogically to income, thereby producing the misstatement that income rather than mortgage payments rose to forty-four percent in 1984. Choice B is best; two properly constructed clauses that clearly express the comparison are separated by a semicolon.

A - incorrect - use of semicolon is wrong
Read: Using semicolon

C - incorrect - use of comma wrong

D - incorrect - use of comma wrong
Read: Editing Comma Splice

E - incorrect - pronoun error - that incorrectly refers to income

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