Sunday, December 21, 2008

SC's Question number - 663 , 664

663). Some of the tenth-century stave churches of Norway are still standing, demonstrating that with sound design and maintenance, wooden buildings can last indefinitely.

(A) standing, demonstrating that with sound design and maintenance, wooden buildings can last indefinitely

(B) standing, demonstrating how wooden buildings, when they have sound design and maintenance, can last indefinitely

(C) standing; they demonstrate if a wooden building has sound design and maintenance it can last indefinitely

(D) standing, and they demonstrate wooden buildings can last indefinitely when there is sound design and maintenance

(E) standing, and they demonstrate how a wooden building can last indefinitely when it has sound design and maintenance

664). Some historians of science have argued that science moves forward not so much because of the insights of great thinkers but because of more mundane developments, such as improved tools and technologies.

(A) because of the insights of great thinkers but because of

(B) because of the insights of great thinkers as the result of

(C) because of the insights of great thinkers as because of

(D) through the insights of great thinkers but through

(E) through the insights of great thinkers but result from


663). OA - A

B - incorrect - use of when is wrong

C - incorrect - wrong use of semicolon

D, E - incorrect - changing the meaning, illogically suggesting that churches demonstrate

664). OA - C - parallel and idiomatic - ....not so much because of X as because of Y...

A, D, E - incorrect - unidiomatic

B - incorrect - violating parallelism

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