Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Gmat Sentence Correction 77, 78

77). Oberlin College in Ohio was a renegade institution at its 1833 founding for deciding to accept both men and women as students.

(A) at its 1833 founding for deciding to accept

(B) for the decision at its 1833 founding to accept

(C) when it was founded in 1833 for its decision to accept

(D) in deciding at its founding in 1833 to accept

(E) by deciding at its founding in 1833 on the acceptance of

78). In feudal Europe, urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside, unlike homesteading policies in the American West that required residency on the land itself in order to obtain eventual ownership.

(A) In feudal Europe, urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside, unlike homesteading policies in the American West that

(B) In feudal Europe, urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived and from which they commuted to farmlands in the countryside, but in the American West homesteading policies

(C) Unlike feudal Europe where urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside, the American West's homesteading policies

(D) Unlike feudal Europe where urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside, the homesteading policies of the American West

(E) Urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived from which they commuted to farmlands in the countryside in feudal Europe, unlike the American West where homesteading policies

Answers --

77). Best choice is D

A -- incorrect -- implies - as if Oberlin College was a renegade institution specifically at its founding which was for a very short duration.
B -- incorrect -- implies - as if there were more than one founding.
C -- incorrect -- implies - as if it was founded for the decision to accept men and women
E -- incorrect -- wordy - "on the acceptance of."

78). The best choice is B -- Correctly comparing fuedal Europe to American West
A, C, D -- incorrect -- comparing Europe to policies.
E -- incorrect -- awkward.

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